Monday, March 30, 2015

TWS Licensing

TWS Licensing can be performed (based on the needs):

  1. Using PVU (Processor Value Unit) licensing  - recommended for a high number of jobs.
  2. Using per jobs licensing - recommended for a high number of servers where the jobs needs to run

   1. PVU (Processor Value Unit) licensing it is a unit of measure by which the program can be licensed. The number of PVU entitlements required is based on the processor technology defined by processor value, brand, type, and model number in other words it is based on the CPU cores available to the machine (server) physical / virtual where TWS is deployed and runs jobs, a detailed list can be found on IBM site in PVU table.
e.g. An AMD Opteron: 1 socket with 8 cores per socket has a PVU value of: 1 x 8 x 50 = 500
An Oracle/Sun SPARC M6: 8 sockets with 6 cores per socket has a PVU value of: 8 x 6  x 120 = 5760

Also TWS PVU Licensing supports Sub-Capacity (Virtual) Licensing, in some cases, which in short words you only need to license the cores assigned to a virtual machine rather then the whole cores of the physical one (more details can be found on IBM Passport Advantage Virtualization Capacity (Sub-capacity) Licensing page).
e.g. In you have a Linux farm of 64 physical cores and a virtual machine with 8 cores assigned and it is running TWS you can licence only 8 cores.

!!!!!! Important For Sub-Capacity (Virtual) Licensing iLMT (IBM License Metric Tool) needs to be deployed on each of the systems for which you want to apply the Sub-Capacity licensing.

!!!!!! Important For TWS For Applications the Sub-Capacity (Virtual) Licensing doesn't apply, always you need to license the physical cores on the machine (be careful where you deploy TWS for Apps)

   2. Per jobs licensing in other words you will licence the number of jobs ran (aka 10 MONTHLY JOBS License).
Number of daily executed jobs: 500
Number of monthly executed jobs (multiply by 31 ): 15,500
Number of groups of 10 jobs: 1,550 (divide by 10 as the part is per 10 Monthly Jobs)
List price of IBM Workload Automation for 10 jobs equals: X
List price is calculated at 1,550 job packs of 10 jobs multiplied by X.

Additional details about Standby or backup systems — For programs running or resident on backup machines, IBM defines three types of situations: cold, warm and hot. In cold and warm situations, a separate entitlement for the copy on the backup machine is normally not required and typically no additional charge applies. In a hot backup situation, the customer needs to acquire other licenses or entitlements sufficient for that server.

  • Cold: A copy of the program may reside, for backup purposes, on a machine as long as the program is not started. There is no additional charge for this copy. 
  • Warm: A copy of the program may reside for backup purposes on a machine and is started, but is idling, and is not doing any work of any kind. There is no additional charge for this copy. 
  • Hot: A copy of the program may reside for backup purposes on a machine, is started, and is doing work. The customer must acquire a license or entitlement(s) for this copy and there will generally be an additional charge. Doing work includes, for example, production, development, program maintenance, and testing. It also could include other activities such as mirroring of transactions, updating of files, synchronization of programs, data, or other resources (for example, active linking with another machine, program, database or other resource, and so on), or any activity or configurations that would allow an active hot switch or other synchronized switch-over between programs, databases, or other resources to occur. In the case of a program or system configuration that is designed to support a high availability environment by using various techniques (for example, duplexing, mirroring of files, or transactions, maintaining a heartbeat, active linking with another machine, program, database, or other resource), the program is considered to be doing work in the hot situation and a license or entitlement must be purchased. 

!!! Note: For TWS masters, if they run only TWS application jobs e.g. FINAL, the licence is not required.

Examples of calculation:
A TWS env. as in the picture below:

And the current price for both cases:

The licence calculation will be:
1. Using PVU licensing:

  • ERP Server: Oracle/Sun SPARC M6: 8 sockets with 6 cores per socket PVU usage: 8 x 6 x 120 = 5,760
  • Warehouse: AMD Opteron: 2 sockets with 8 cores per socket PVU usage: 2 x 8 x 50 = 800
  • ETC: Intel Xeon 7500: 1 socket with 6 cores per socket  PVU usage: 1 x 6 x 120 = 720
  • TWS Master doesn't run jobs no PVU usage.
For 1 year the TWS PVU licence and support will be: (5,760 + 800 + 720) x 40.5 = 294,840 USD

2. Using per jobs licensing:

  • ERP Server: running 500 jobs / day, in a month 500 x 31 = 15,500, divide by 10 as the part is per 10 Monthly Jobs is 1,550 groups
  • Warehouse: running 50 jobs / day, in a month 50 x 31 = 1,550, divide by 10 as the part is per 10 Monthly Jobs is 155 groups
  • ETC: running 10 jobs / day, in a month 10 x 31 = 310, divide by 10 as the part is per 10 Monthly Jobs is 31 groups
  • TWS Master doesn't run jobs no PVU usage.

For 1 year the TWS per job licence and support will be: (1,550 + 155 + 31) x 56.25 = 97,650 USD.

So in this particular case TWS per job licence will be the best fit as it costs ~67% less.


  1. Hi Radu,

    Could you kindly clarify on the below points pls :

    1) How to check my existing usage of PVU :
    2) Does the same client can hold both PVU licensing and per jobs licensing ? Since we do have the ERP system and Warehouse system.
    ERP system - The jobs will be keep on increasing.
    Warehouse system - Very less jobs running.


    1. Hi Arul,

      1) To check the PVU usage you must eider do it manually or deploy iLMT (IBM License Metri Tool) on you environment.
      2) No, each TWS environment must be licenses PVU or per jobs, it cant be mixed.


  2. hi Radu

    ERP Server: Oracle/Sun SPARC M6: 8 sockets with 6 cores per socket PVU usage: 8 x 6 x 120 = 5,760
    in the above server .i am not getting how that 120 came..
    will you please explain me

    1. Hi Rudresh,

      Each CPU type had a number of PVU's assigned to each it its core, that number is available on IBM site at

  3. Hi Radu,

    SAP has been split into SAP application layer ( Central instance ) in server A & SAP database layer ( SAP hana database/oracle database ) in server B.

    Usually SAP R/3 server resides on the SAP application layer, so we need to procure TWS license for SAP - CI running Server A.

    Question : Do we need to procure additional TWS license for SAP- database layer ( SAP HANA/Oracle DB server ) running on Server B.

    Or Do we need to procure the TWS license for Both SAP-CI ( Sever A ) and SAP-DB ( server B ). Please confirm.

  4. What applies to a development or test machine that has Tivoli workload scheduler installed.

  5. I have IBM TWS 9.x and having 34,900 based on 52 VM. but out of 52 VM my 26 VMs should for a month as part of DR, so do i need to pay for 52 VM or 26 VM

  6. A while back I was advised that each TWS agent installed, is licensed individually as 1 core * PVU, irrespective if more than one agent installed on the same server, does that still hold true?

    1. When I say 1 core above, that is irrespective of the number of cores on that server, you are only charged 1 core for an agent license.

  7. Could you tell me how TWS licenses are managed if we install only a dynamic agent on a server.
    is it the same rules than for FTA : PVU management, if customer have 9.4 fp06 and operating system is Linux ...............
